Assuming you have made the first step which is figuring out your face shape and now you are here to find out the best eyebrow style and shape that can fit your face shape. You have also gone through the first blog of this series which explains why it’s important for you to know your face shape when mapping out your eyebrows. Also, all the round and long face-shaped girlies have checked out blogs on how to map the eyebrows in accordance with their face shapes. With all these checked out, today, We would like to talk about how the eyebrows of square-faced people should be shaped or styled.
Without a single doubt, all these facial shapes are beautiful. We do not understand where the notion of certain face shapes being better than others comes from but as we said earlier, it’s in the eyes of the beholder. In many instances, square and rectangular faces are associated with masculinity but we think it is an absolute flex to have powerful jaws that clearly define your face. In terms of length and width, your face has equal dimensions creating an absolutely gorgeous pop-up of features. Basically when you look in the mirror Street on your face is clearly defined by you’re probably just being in line with your forehead this is the type of a ship that we call the square face.
When it comes to styling these eyebrows, this is the only face shape that requires the same well-defined eyebrows to counter the effect of the well-defined face. Examples of celebrities with square face shapes are Natalie Portman and Olivia Wilde. For this group of people, the goal is to create facial balance by toning down the strong jaw curve definition with a softened, curved eyebrow. This can also be achieved by creating a strong brow look (well-defined) to go hand-in-hand with the strong jaw.
In that context, the best eyebrow shape and style for a square fish is a thick, angular, and well-defined shape which helps to balance the strong jaws and elongate the face.
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